Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Natural ways to lead a pain free life

There's a condition (not a disease) which doctors describe as Fibromyalgia. There's no cause & cure known yet. I try to gather as much information about pain control & long-term cure without use of chemicals, medicine and even a doctor. I perform some exercises regularly that provide real comfort.

Broadly, these are the methods that I've found useful. I'll describe them soon :
  1. Yoga
  2. Special Muscle exercises with squishy balls
  3. Walking
  4. Some daily routine changes , viz. sitting posture, work-breaks

The daily routine changes :
  1. While sitting on office chair, a normal person should also use a lumbar support, to maintain lordosis (the hollow curve of the back).
  2. If sitting on a sofa, keep a pillow behind lower back.
  3. If it's a chair without back, arch the back frequently to accentuate the hollow more.
  4. Be conscious of your slouching posture everywhere, & correct it be doing the above.
  5. Take shorter & more frequent breaks from work - use it for a small walk (outside preferably), tea-time, visit a colleague, make a phone call, or stretch.